Writing the Pittsboro Commissioners is an effective way for Pittsboro citizens to express their concerns to town leadership.


Your message doesn’t have to be long. For example, the following message is short, direct and to the point:

Dear Commissioner,

Now that we know that Alternative 8 is technically feasible and will largely save North Woods, please work with all stakeholders (NCDOT, Chatham Park Investors, TARPO, North Woods neighbors) to find a way to make Alternative 8 the preferred alternative. Please put higher priority on saving a real, 40 old neighborhood vs. a future neighborhood that can still be built based on modified plans.

Once you’ve got your message, send it to the Pittsboro leaders using the email addresses below:

Pittsboro Leaders:

John Bonitz, Commissioner, jbonitz@pittsboronc.gov 

Kyle Shipp, Commissioner, kshipp@pittsboronc.gov 

James Vose, Commissioner, jvose@pittsboronc.gov 

Pamela Baldwin, Commissioner, pbaldwin@pittsboronc.gov 

Jay Farrell, Commissioner, jfarrell@pittsboronc.gov 

Chris Kennedy, Town Manager, ckennedy@pittsboronc.gov 

Cindy Perry, Mayorcperry@pittsboronc.gov